occlude - definition. What is occlude
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%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

Occlusal; Occlusion (disambiguation); Occluded; Occlude

<programming> (Or "shadow") To make a variable inaccessible by declaring another with the same name within the scope of the first. (1995-12-14)
·vt To shut up; to Close.
II. Occlude ·vt To take in and retain; to Absorb;
- said especially with respect to gases; as iron, platinum, and palladium occlude large volumes of hydrogen.
¦ verb
1. stop, close up, or obstruct.
2. Chemistry (of a solid) absorb and retain (a gas or impurity).
3. (of a tooth) come into contact with another in the opposite jaw.
C16: from L. occludere 'shut up'.



Occlusion may refer to:

أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. because points cannot occlude each other.
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2. The other is your hand would occlude
3. and they will occlude your happiness
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4. And this happens because points cannot occlude each other,
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5. But lots of things can kind of occlude the signal, star spots,
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أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Cornwall has lately been dividing into three parts, rather like Caesar‘s Gaul, as major new projects give definition to particular regions but occlude others in the process.